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"A first class system of early childhood education is the hallmark of a caring and civilized society."
- Andy Hargreaves

Preschool (M,T,TH,F)

The preschool classroom is designed to fit the educational and developmental needs of children ages 2.7 to 3.5. It is the first step of our students' journey into learning and intentionally allows for children to have the opportunity to explore their curiosities as well as have structured learning activities geared towards math, literacy, and steam goals.

Junior Pre - K (M-F)


The Junior Pre-K classroom is designed with the intention of equipping your child with the math, literacy, and social/emotional needs for kindergarten while still providing them with a developmentally appropriate classroom environment that encourages students to explore and learn naturally through play. The Junior Pre-K classroom is intended for children ages 3.5-4.5.​

Senior Pre - K (M-F)​

The senior Pre-K Classroom is Aspire's hidden gem and is designed for kids ages 4.5 and up. This room was created to give students an additional year between preschool and kindergarten which allows them to fine tune skills before entering the school system. The National Bureau of Economic Research found that being an older kindergartner has benefits that last into the teen years and beyond.

Connect with US

Tel. 412-867-5035


2895 Banksville Road

Pittsburgh, PA 15216


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Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 2:30

Tours can be scheduled weekdays from 3:00 - 5:00



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